This article will be a guide on how to get a live-cd distribution of Ubuntu onto an usb-stick. I reckon it can be used with a wider variety of live-cd's but i will use ubuntu as an example.

First, get a suitable usb-stick, I would use a simple 4GB Sandisk, but it's your choice.

Second, you will want to get the "desktop"-cd distribution of ubuntu. I will use 7.10 since it's the latest dist at this time.

Third, you will want the latest version of syslinux ...

Now, let's get started.

First, you will have to copy the contents of the ubuntu iso file onto the usb-stick.
You want to copy every single file, even the hidden ones.

Secondly you want to copy the contents of the subdirectories install and isolinux, and the files initrd.gz/vmlinuz to the root of your usb-stick.

Now let's boot up cmd and go to the directory you extracted syslinux into. ../syslinux/win32
here you will want to issue the command
syslinux -sf x: (Where x is your usb-stick drive)

Now let's edit a file :D

Open up the file isolinux.cfg in your favorite texteditor(notepad) and delete anything that has to do with the subdirectories
"/install/" and "/casper/"

Now, as you've edited the file, rename it to "syslinux.cfg"

The usb-stick is now prepared and you will have to configure your bios to boot from it.

Happy linuxing! ;)