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Replicant v2 - October 08 Joomla Templates

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  • Replicant v2 - October 08 Joomla Templates


    An overview of the key features of this template are as follows:

    * Joomla 1.5+ version
    * Joomla 1.0+ version
    * Transparent structure with the ability to support variable widths and heights with full IE6 support
    * 4 Body styles and 10 Color styles allowing for a possible 40 style combinations built in. Also included are 10 preset style combinations.
    * CSS Based Tableless Design
    * An Incredible 40 Module Positions for the ultimate in flexibility
    * RokContentRotator featured article presentation module support
    * RokNewflash newsflash presentation module support
    * Integrated Tabbed Module system
    * Beautifully styled RokMooMenu and Splitmenu animations and functionality
    * RokBox plugin support
    * 1.0 & 1.5 Native RocketLauncher now available! - Deploy a replica of the Replicant v2 demo sites.
    * Optional IE6 Warning / Upgrade Notification
    * Incredibly wide range of versatile typography style options
    * Ability to utilize 1, 2, and 3 column layouts
    * Extensive set of banner locations for your advertising needs
    * 3 built-in menu options - The exclusive RokMooMenu 2.0 menu system with animations, Suckerfish, updated SplitMenu, as well as a module position to use your own custom menu module (Module)
    * Built-in IE6 PNG fix
    * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
    * Fully compatible IE7, IE6, Safari 2+, Firefox 2+, Opera 9+
    * Source Adobe Fireworks PNGs included
