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Linux Set / Change DVD Region Code

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  • Linux Set / Change DVD Region Code

    Changing the zone setting of a DVD drive (DVD region code) under Linux operating systems?

    You can use the regionset command to display and/or set the zone setting of a DVD drive. This small utility can display and sets the region/zone setting of a DVD drive, allowing it to decrypt the DVD's sold in various geographical area. There are eight region codes possible, currently six are used:

    * North America (USA and Canada)
    * Europe, Middle East, South Africa and Japan
    * Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Korea
    * Latin America, Australia, New Zealand
    * Former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, etc.), rest of Africa, India
    * China

    Most DVD drives have no region code set. The drive firmware allows you to change the region code, but on nearly all drives you are limited to five changes. After the fifth change, the DVD drive will stay fixed on that code. However, on some drives you can upgrade the drive firmware and have then additional five changes, on other drives you won't be able to change the region code any more.
    How Do I Install regionset?

    Simply type the following command to install regionset:
    $ sudo apt-get install regionset

    Command Syntax

    The syntax is as follows:

    regionset /path/to/device
    regionset /dev/dvd

    How To Switch DVD Drive Region Code Within Linux?

    Type the command as follows:
    # regionset /dev/dvd

    Sample outputs:

    regionset version 0.1 -- reads/sets region code on DVD drives
    Current Region Code settings:
    RPC Phase: II
    type: SET
    vendor resets available: 4
    user controlled changes resets available: 4
    drive plays discs from region(s): 5, mask=0xEF
    Would you like to change the region setting of your drive? [y/n]:
    By default regionset will show you the current region code of the drive, how often it has been changed and how many changes are left. If there are any changes left, it asks for the new region code. After confirmation, the new region code will be set. On successful change of the region code, you'll get a confirmation.

    See /usr/share/doc/regionset/README file for more information.